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timminchin.com is updated by Tim
and the wonderful Shell.

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Ahhhh festivals. Last week I did the Big Chill. I got muddy cowboy boots which I still haven’t cleaned and briefly resented all the good-looking young people in deliberately comical hats and accidentally comical sunglasses… but then I did a really fun set in front of many of them and was yanked from my curmudgeonousness. Thanks, Youth.

The related news is this: I’m playing at Reading Festival on Friday 28th August and Leeds Festival on Saturday 29th August. I think I’ll be playing in the afternoons, but I’m not sure. And I don’t know how long I’ll be doing, but prob 30 mins or something. Think they’ll be fun.

Loads of cool acts there, including lovely friends of mine like Jamie Kilstein, Brendon Burns, Sarah Millican, Doug Stanhope and Stephen Grant.


jillybean on 22nd of March 2011

hey, anyone else noticed that the 28th isn’t a Friday and 29th isn’t a Saturday.

anyone know if it’s the date or day that’s wrong?

Luke Smith on 25th of October 2009

I was at Big Chill as well however i didn’t get to see your performance coz it was over 18s only and i’m 13. I was so looking forward to seeing you .I was dead gutted:(
hope to get to see you in the future.

Lywellyn on 4th of October 2009

Tim. What can I say. You totally packed out the comedy tent at Reading this year! It was absolutely fantastic, your work is great and unique and that proved how many people preffered you to some of the chart bands that were on at the same time. Please play again next year.

Tom Hardcastle on 17th of September 2009

Oh, and by the way;


Tom Hardcastle on 17th of September 2009

You were amazing at Leeds Festival, particularly Confessions. “Fuck, I love boobs though” pretty much became my group’s motto for the remainder of the Festival.

Sarah on 7th of September 2009

Saw u a Leeds 4 the first time, man u were amazing. So clever! Especially loved Canvas Bags – genius x x

Louise on 6th of September 2009

You were amazing at Reading! It was honestly one of the best shows I saw all weekend.

Tom Greenwood on 3rd of September 2009

Really enjoyed the opening show at the Lowry, simply brilliant.

Annie on 3rd of September 2009

I was at Leeds last weekend and we headed straight for the alternative stage when we knew you were on… but we couldn’t get in :o( It was absolutely jam packed. We decided in the end to park up our little fold out festi chairs (pure rock n roll) outside the tent, and just listen to you… not quite the same though. Well worth it just to hear ‘Prejudice’ played… saw some flame haired fellows in the crowd outside who were not entirely sure how to take it… you’re always a happy sight Big M XXX xxx XXX xxx

Rosie on 2nd of September 2009

I saw you at Reading Festival. But, seeing as I am not super-tall and was standing quite near the back, I couldn’t see you very well.
But I could hear you, boy could I hear you!!
Brilliant performance.

Katie on 2nd of September 2009

“you” were the best band at leeds!
i couldn’t see you cause i was surrounded by a 6 ft wall of stinking teenage boy,
but it was still hilarious without the face expressions.
listening to you again on friday in warrington, although with the tickets my sister got i highly doubt i’ll be seeing any raised eyebrows. I can’t wait to hear new songs!

George Gardner on 2nd of September 2009

TIM I saw your gig at The Lowry yesterday ( September 1st ) and you were INCREDIBLE! You are my idol and i love you and your piano playing! Will hopefully be coming back to see you this year and if not, please tour next year!

Jess on 1st of September 2009

You were awesome at Reading festival! Im looking forward to seeing you in Sheffield! :D x

Sarah P on 1st of September 2009

Saw you at Leeds Timmy. I can now die a happy girl. *northern accent* suck it! haha. Look forward to seeing you soon if i can eventualy get decent tickets.

Sarah x

oliver wisker on 1st of September 2009

loved you at reading fest!! was immense :D well done

Fay on 1st of September 2009

Well, the Reading performance was awesome -even IF I was wedged at the back behind a collection of the festival’s largest go’ers.

Jessica on 1st of September 2009

You were amazing at Leeds! :D
I was like 4 feet away haha

Can’t wait to see you in Stoke! :D I’ll be in the second row ;)

Sam x on 1st of September 2009

OMG, Tonight ;) Lowry, Manchester!!! Cannot wait, im counting down the minutes, 4hours and 45minutes till I see you!!!
Did i mention; I CANT WAIT
Love you x

Elena on 1st of September 2009

You were awesome at Leeds Festival, went home and booked tickets for your gig in sheffield in october! cant wait!

Anna on 1st of September 2009

tim you were amazing at leeds
guttered you didnt do inflatable you though.
but the ginger song was great
your hilarious

Matt on 31st of August 2009

Hey Dave
Flegging awesome at Reading Festival – glad the sound guys turned the piano up at the start! Did you add new lyrics to some of your songs – or due to being merely a fan and not a diehard do I just not know the songs that well?

Either way, was great to see you live. I was the guy with the hair.

tom k on 31st of August 2009


Georgina Grimsditch on 31st of August 2009

Just wanted to say that you rocked at Leeds Festival on Saturday…it was an EPIC gig….hope to see you again soon

Leanne Shorley on 31st of August 2009

Hey Tim! I saw you at Leeds Festival on Saturday. I was right near the front and when you mentioned that you met your wife at the age of 17, I was the girl who shouted “I’M 17!”. You told me that was a bit differnt and went on to make a comment about a 14 year old. It was the best part of my whole weekend! I absolutely adore you Tim Minchin and am coming to see you again at Hammersmith Apollo in October. So watch out. xxxxxxxxxxx

Josh on 31st of August 2009

you were amazing at reading fest.

been looking to see you for a long time, and there you are, at reading fest.

hope you had a good’n.

Amy Waterhouse on 31st of August 2009

I saw you at Leeds Festival on Saturday and you were fantastic!!
It was the first time I’ve ever seen you live and you were just awesome, so much so that I’m trying to get tickets to see you in York soon.

Keep up the good work!!!!

Laura on 31st of August 2009

Saw you at Leeds for the first time – awesome. Could barely move because the tent was packed, definitely one of the highlights of the festival!
(p.s. love the eye makeup) x

rhiannon on 31st of August 2009


Lisa on 31st of August 2009

leeds performance was fantastic, you should have been on main stage! hope you were happy with the immense turn out

Cate on 31st of August 2009

Tim, you were brilliant (as always) at Leeds fest. Cant wait for more appearences. :)

Will Johnson on 28th of August 2009

Just seen you at Reading, you seemed a bit afraid of the unwashed masses before you! You were bloody good though, highlight of the day easily. I was the ginger one who stared at you like a stalker at the end, by the way… Hope to see you live again soon!l

Georgia on 25th of August 2009

Oh you were wonderful at the Big Chill! Definitely the highlight of my weekend. My mum’s and my boyfriend’s too. Now we’re just waiting for the Hammersmith Apollo show, I’m so excited!!

Amy on 24th of August 2009

i’m coming to reading. jut got tickets off of ebay, thank god.
fuck the music artists, its you i wanna see.
wooop! :) x

michael on 24th of August 2009

im going to be at leeds! looking forward to this a lot.

becca on 23rd of August 2009

omg! i love sarah millican shes so funny! :)xx

Jaxx on 23rd of August 2009

There’s nothing that brings me such misery as a cowboy boot shod in mud…

Pablo Martin Podhorzer on 21st of August 2009

I discovered you last week. I’m from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since the moment that I listened to “If I didn’t had you” I feel the need to send everybody with a brain a long list of Youtube links.

I am very happy that a normal chap, with talent and ideas, can go far, far away, to the top.

One question: are you not worried that one needs to go to the top to make simple things happen, such as provide for your family? It seems strange that normal fellows cannot expect to support a family if the not “succeed” somehow. It happened to you, and you deserve it all, but what about the rest? (well, f*** the poor, hehe).

Well, if I stumble over Europe somehow I will go to one of your shows (discount for a middle-class Latin-American paying in pesos?), I hope that with a hint of a PhD that could help to change the world for the better (for you is music, for me is Economic Sociology). By the way, I lived eight years in Israel, and we don’t eat pigs, together, indeed!

Elz on 19th of August 2009

I saw Bibleman and thought of you also teehee, also later in the show when they discussed the talk show about angels – hope you saw it :-)

Chloe on 19th of August 2009

Ah, damn it. Being an Aussie with no money isn’t all that great sometimes. Sounds like it’ll be great fun, though, for all you lucky people attending. And it is nice to see a link to the forum up there – more new people! They’ve been flooding in lately. Someone is very popular these days.

I got a bit off track there. Great to know that you’re having fun and stuff, and of course those lucky bastards who’ll get to go and see you will enjoy themselves too. I’m only a little bit resentful and jealous of them, promise…

Alice Amesbury on 19th of August 2009

AH That performance at the Big Chill was fantastic! i was sitting up the front confirming that there were young people in comical hats! (odd army hat to be exact )
i hope to see you in reading comedy festival (not really a festival.. more of a gathering of shows) cant wait!

AnnieG on 18th of August 2009

Ok, so I might be just a teeny-tiny bit in love with/obsessive about Tim and now I know where I can get up close and personal…. See you at Reading, Tim! *huge grin*

Phat Man Dee on 18th of August 2009

Ok, so who in your organization do I have to blow to get you to play America? Seriously…. I campaigned for Obama so people like you would stop boycotting us. Ok, so there’s no one like you, my friend Christine (who just took a test to be an astronaut btw) and I have decided you are perfect, so please please just come sing for us over here!

Taloolah P on 18th of August 2009

I’m with RM, clean the boots!!!!! I am so upset that I’m not going to see you in Leeds (and I live there!) but i am seeing you in Bradford, roll on October!! xx

hartski on 18th of August 2009

Big chill was awesome… See you in Sheffield!

EmmaKatie on 18th of August 2009

Damn itttt!!! I wish I was going to Reading this year, 2007 was amazing! But as a student bum, I just don’t have the moolah!
Enjoy it! =D

amyy on 18th of August 2009

Can’t waaait to see you in leeds!
seeing you will be the actual highlight of the whole festival.
im far too excited! eek!

rm on 18th of August 2009

you changed the site a bit, hmmmm, I like it. clean your boots for fuck sake x

ps just saw this on tv (you have been watching)and thought of you http://www.bibleman.com/

Twangypearl on 18th of August 2009

Looking forward to your gig at Birmingham Symphony Hall on Hallowe’en – it’s my birthday :)

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