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timminchin.com is updated by Tim
and the wonderful Shell.

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After his success earlier in the year, Tim’s headed back over the Atlantic once again, with three dates just confirmed for the beginning of October, playing shows in Mesa, AZ, Dallas, TX and Boulder, CO!

  • On the 7th October, you can catch the lion-haired pianist at the Mesa Arts Center, in Mesa.
  • On the 8th October, you can see the bare-footed nerd at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas.
  • On the 9th October, you can observe the tight-panted fool at the Boulder Theater in Boulder.

Tickets for all shows go on general sale on Friday 26th August, 10am local time, but as ever, we have a presale password for you to use, which means that you can grab your tickets today, from 10am! The password you’ll need is REESE (case sensitive).

Mesa tickets can be purchased from the Arts Centre box office; Dallas tickets can be bought from Ticketmaster and Boulder tickets can be bought from the Theatre box office.

All these venues are fairly small and intimate, so you’d best get a wiggle on to ensure you get seats for what promises to be a series of cosy and hilarious evenings!


Eugene A. Price on 19th of May 2017

eight young performers playing the roles of BruceThis is a very good information for us.Every person likes the song Want to learn music and learn But the machine needs to learn.I know there is another site alongside this siteThere are a lot of modern instruments available.Each person can come to see it once.

Thank you.

Mary Fitzpatrick on 10th of March 2013

I discovered Ginger Boy too late for his October 2011 Dallas appearance..at the Lakewood Theater no less..what a wonderful intimate venue. PLEASE come back to Dallas…Majestic Theater or even House of Blues…or Bass Hall in Ft. Worth! I would gather all my friends and we would come have a jolly good romp with you.

Tina on 23rd of February 2013

More shows in the US please!!!

Dave Carr on 8th of October 2011

October 7th Mesa show your encore song reminded me of my daughter 2,000 miles away and how we miss her on holidays and will always be there for her.

Jacinda Grove on 7th of September 2011

Ohhhh Tim, you brilliant, beautiful, amazing ginger; when oh when are you going to come to Vancouver to do a show??!!! The west coast of Canada is in DESPERATE need of your wit and genius… I would do just about anything to have the opportunity to come to your show!!! Pretty, pretty puh-leeeeease will you add a show to the very Beautiful British Columbia on one of your upcoming visits to North America – from one ginger to another, there is nothing I would rather do than spend an evening in your company, among the thousands of those enlightened people that share my love for you.

Corry on 6th of September 2011

the arts centre box office link seems to be broken…

Hannah on 2nd of September 2011

Please come back to Seattle! We loved having Tim and would love to see him again already! Make sure it’s all ages :)

Mike Hirsch on 20th of August 2011

Thank You Tim!!!! Never dreamed that I would get to see you preform live! And in Mesa, Az of all places! One Happy godless homo in Mesa!!!! Thanks!!!! Do I sound too excited?

Marina on 20th of August 2011

Thank you for coming to Mesa! I hope there’s lots of merch so we can $upport your amazing talent.

CJ on 20th of August 2011

…I would have yelled out in total happiness, but I really don’t want to wake the family at this hour and tell them that guy with the piano with weird, silly, smart songs is coming to Dallas.

Lora on 20th of August 2011

PLEASE OH PLEASE OH PLEASE COME TO NEW ORLEANS. I’m going to heckle online you until you comply :]

Joanne on 20th of August 2011

Oh man oh man you just made me so damn happy it’s NOT even funny, though my face probably is since I’m grinning like mad. Dallasites await!

Nik V. on 20th of August 2011

Darn i was excited for a second closest one to me is 8 hours away. ):

Keith on 20th of August 2011

I just bought my ticket for the Dallas show. I’m so excited.

Stephen on 20th of August 2011

Tim Minchin doing a show in my state? YES!! I mean… that’s cool.

traci thomas on 20th of August 2011

we bought our tickets for the dallas show! thanks, tim!! can’t wait to see you in Big D!

Daniel on 19th of August 2011

A Tim Minchin show less than an hour from my house the day after my birthday?

Thank You God!

Tom on 19th of August 2011

Any plans to come to Orange County, CA in the future?

S-D on 19th of August 2011

Hooray, front row center in Mesa! See you there.

Kat on 19th of August 2011

Finally! I’ll see you in Colorado. I’m so glad you’ve started coming over to the US, I’ll definitely try to come to more in the future as well.

Sara on 19th of August 2011

Please come back to Washington D.C. soon? We have everything you could ever want to make fun of.

Stephanie F on 19th of August 2011

THANK YOU for adding Dallas! We had tickets for Austin, but couldn’t go due to a death in the family and a funeral scheduled at just the wrong time, so had given up hope on seeing you any time soon!

RD on 19th of August 2011

So I come home from a year in Boulder and you decide to have a show there. Typical! I’ll just have to try and catch you next time you’re in the UK. Come to Norwich, please! ;)

Marto on 19th of August 2011

Come do a show in Indianapolis, please! Missed you in St Louis- Come shake up the Bible Belt!

JP on 19th of August 2011

While I’m disappointed that you’re going to support the economy of a state run by xenophobes, I suppose they could use some of your brand of enlightenment. When you’re done in Arizona, why don’t you come back to the Bay Area, where we don’t legally mandate racial profiling?

Doug Coplen on 19th of August 2011

More shows in the US! Good news! You are flying over New Mexico. Please do a show in Santa Fe or Albuquerque. I think you you could fill a theater in Santa Fe. Please??

Jessica on 19th of August 2011

The south needs comedy! Come to the Carolina’s

Jose on 19th of August 2011

Sweet! Tim twice in one year in the US! See you again in Dallas!

Lee on 19th of August 2011

When you doing more show’s in england

Matt SF on 19th of August 2011


I know exactly what you mean. Gotta keep those priorities in line.

Richard Gallagher on 19th of August 2011

Please come to Raleigh, NC or just anywhere in NC! We need you here!

Henry and Lydia on 19th of August 2011

What about Pittsburgh Mr Minchin! When are you coming to visit us here!

Chris on 19th of August 2011

I missed the last Austin date. Please please please come back to Austin. Going from Austin to Dallas during OU weekend will be, well, challenging :).

Johnny on 19th of August 2011

DALLAS!!!!! WOOT! See ya there, Gingerbeards!

Mike on 19th of August 2011

I think LA is already ripe for replay :)

Ian on 19th of August 2011

Since you’ll be in the AZ, CO area… please make a stop next door in Salt Lake City. Please Please Please. All the ex-mormons in Utah would turn out to see you.

John on 19th of August 2011

Argh! Mesa ticket site is seriously backwards. Take my money damn it!

Michelle on 19th of August 2011

Come to Indianapolis! You’ll fill up the murat. INDY, INDY, INDY, please… : )

Tessa on 19th of August 2011

woooohoooo!!!!! thank you. see you in mesa!

Leslie on 19th of August 2011

Um… you DO know that Mesa is seriously Mormon? Elder Johnson may come to heckle you.

Good news is that it’s closer to Tucson than the LA show was (which we also attended)… so, we’ll have to come visit you again!!

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