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and the wonderful Shell.

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Want to see Tim record a BBC Radio 4 programme? Well it’s your lucky day as he’ll be recording Chain Reaction on the 15th May at the Shaw Theatre in London.

The show is tag-team interviewing with the previous week’s interviewee become that week’s interviewer instead. Tim was interviewed by Derren Brown in January so it’s now his turn to do the interviewing, with his guest being journalist and author Caitlin Moran!

You can apply for free tickets to the recording here, but do remember that having a ticket doesn’t always mean you’ll get in, so turn up early if you’re successful.

For those unable to make it due to not being near London, the shows will be broadcast over the summer and we’ll keep you updated when air dates are confirmed.


Tabitha Maser-Clarke on 14th of May 2012

What time will Tim be there? And how long will it be?

Timothy j on 10th of May 2012

Hay just wondering if Tim is planning on playing a few songs Even if he is not however it will still be fantastic to see him

Timothy j on 10th of May 2012

Is this just a interview then or will he perform as well? Ie: play a few songs

Zilia Pritchard on 10th of May 2012

I got tickets but what time do people get there?

Helen mason on 10th of May 2012

I’ve been successful!! :-)). What happens?? Do we get to watch? Will we get a chance to meet Tim??

Trudi Camilleri on 10th of May 2012

Just got the email, I got tickets! Very excited.

Vicky on 10th of May 2012

Just tried to apply, but sold out now :(

amanda on 9th of May 2012

applied only 8 mins after it was posted, toes crossed too. Saw Tim and Derren, time to see Tim sparkle as interrogator

Tabitha Maser-Clarke on 9th of May 2012

Already tried to get some tickets. Fingers crossed now :D xx

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