So we’re hearing all your pleas for Tim to come to America on a daily basis but now is the time to make your voice really count!
We’ve taken control of Tim’s page on because Tim wants to find out where you want him to play for when he gets his arse in gear to do an American tour. Be sure to “demand” Tim in all the towns you’d be willing to trek to so that we can get a fuller picture of where the best potential places to go would be. Just click the widget below to get started!
Things to note:
- this is just research and doesn’t confirm a forthcoming US tour.
- if you’re not in the US, feel free to use this anyway; it’s not like we can stop you!
Please do not post your requests as comments unless you’ve already demanded Tim using the widget as they cannot be counted.
Jessie on 10th of March 2022
Colorado Springs would be lovely!
Ed Roses on 4th of June 2018
Miami FL without a doubt.
Think of it…it’s that obvious?????
Rod on 17th of March 2014
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Alix on 2nd of July 2013
Gainesville (University of Florida), Orlando, or Tampa
Amanda on 30th of November 2012
Come to Orlando/Tampa FL. You are our favorite!!!!!
Andrew T on 16th of June 2012
Memphis, TN
Echo Rodetsky on 13th of January 2012
Tampa Florida- although we’d be happy with Orlando as well.
Jen on 10th of October 2011
Please come to Raleigh, North Carolina: RBC, DPAC, Raleigh Memorial, etc.
Don’t be scared of the surrounding Bible belt since we’re basically the antithesis of it. I know plenty of people around here who would love to see you. I heard you played in Texas recently and I can promise we’re not as scary as them.
Sean Keenan on 8th of September 2011
Denver, Colorado (Boulder is too far)
Dave on 29th of June 2011
Miami, FL!
Ally Weatherly on 29th of April 2011
Please come to Atlanta Georgia, or anywhere in Georgia actually!!!
Matt M. on 25th of April 2011
St. Louis is just down the road from Chicago. Probably a good idea to just stop on in as you are going to be in the neighborhood….
Cpl Marshall on 25th of April 2011
anywhere in GA and i’ll be there!
Augusta or Atlanta would be AWESOME!
Lisa on 17th of April 2011
Chicago Theater, Please please, please!!!
Jeff on 26th of February 2011
Kansas City, please!!! We have good beer…
Andro on 16th of February 2011
I’ll second Colorado – Denver / Boulder area is always eager for wacko-awesome shows and I wouldn’t be surprised if Minchin managed to pack Red Rocks (Which is, on a completely unrelated note, likely one of most awesome concert venues in US of A…)
(Also, suggestion for flip-them-the-bird concert for Focus on Family in Co. Springs had me cackling…)
Steph on 26th of December 2010
Raleigh/ Durham/ Chapel Hill, North Carolina area please? Or anywhere in North Carolina, Asheville’s really cool. As a poor college student who can’t afford to travel that would be amazing. I really love your stuff and I would really love to see you live!
Kevin on 24th of December 2010
Baltimore Maryland or Washington DC area.
Andrea on 3rd of December 2010
Chicago!!!! We need some Tim Minchin action in the bible belt!
Amber J. on 27th of November 2010
Eventful won’t let me enter more than one city. I’m in Eugene, Oregon but Portland’s plenty close enough!
Anthony on 25th of November 2010
One more vote for Detroit!
Marla on 25th of November 2010
Detroit, Michigan requested!!
Mike O. on 24th of November 2010
Portland, OR and/or Seattle, WA; woooo!
Meaghan on 19th of November 2010
I know tons of people that would go if you performed in Detroit, MI!!! Including me!!!
JellyBean on 18th of November 2010
I would prefer that you came to Victoria but if you come anywhere is Canada I’d be tickled. There isn’t enough good piano based comedy out there and there’s none currently here. We need you
PattiLain on 17th of November 2010
Once you’re done in the US, you should really come to South Africa. We’re really exciting, I swear.
And you have a fanbase – once, while walking back to my tent at a music festival, I heard someone mention you. And then he mistakenly called “Taboo” “Prejudice”, but never mind.
Also, if you come to Johannesburg (I’ll fly to Cape Town if I must) I promise I will bake you brownies. With expensive chocolate.
Derek Colanduno on 16th of November 2010
As the Director of Skeptic events at Dragon*Con, we would LOVE to have you come and play and hang out with us in 2011! :)
Huli on 16th of November 2010
Hilo, Hawai’i !!!
David Cowan on 15th of November 2010
The Hereby Chants (at, the world’s only atheist a cappella singing group would love to open for you in Northen California!
Larry on 14th of November 2010
Please come to Atlanta! We have a big rationalist community here and they love you!
Michelle on 11th of November 2010
I guess Anchorage, AK is a bit much to ask? OK well, just find your way to any place in North America, and I’ll be there!
Leslie Allan on 10th of November 2010
Emily on 9th of November 2010
Boston Boston Boston Boston!!!
Robert on 8th of November 2010
Tim, please come to the Midwest, where they need you most! Kansas City/Omaha/Lincoln: one gig in any of these cities will cover the place.
If you make it Lincoln, I’ll book and present you. Seriously.
Come on, Rob says so, and you know there’s
something weird about Rob!!
Irene on 8th of November 2010
please please please please!!! come to the netherlands!!! PLEASE!!
i love you so much! so please come!
Chris McLaughlin on 8th of November 2010
I won’t use because they send me a bunch of spam Email. Please come to Detroit. We’d love to see you here.
Sarah on 7th of November 2010
Toronto, CANADA!!!!!
R.J. Cavender on 7th of November 2010
I think your music and comedy would be very well received in Tucson, Arizona. The bars/venues I would suggest are:
Hotel Congress
Rialto Theater
Surly Wench Pub
Loft Cinema
Cameron F on 5th of November 2010
Come to Toronto. You’ll sell out here. Just try to save some tickets for me.
C.H. on 4th of November 2010
Who the hell is Tim Minchin?
Until just a few moments ago I’d never heard of him.
Emma G on 4th of November 2010
Dublin, Dublin, Dublin, or even better, Galway, Galway, Galway, or even better, my house, my house, my house, I better stop there! ;)
twinks on 4th of November 2010
Please come to Boston or anywhere within a days drive!!
LZ on 4th of November 2010
Austin, TX!!
ladygingercat on 4th of November 2010
Please come to Eastern Canada–any of the Maritime provinces would be fantastic, really. You would have such a blast here, that we can guarantee! We promise that you’d not soon forget us, the fantastic food here OR how much we LOVE you and your amazing genius! I promise to tell EVERYONE to come to ALL your shows! Please say you’ll come….oh, pretty please with sugar on top…??? You are SOOOOOOOOO F**KING ROCK, we simply can’t contain how much we would love to see you here!
The Alpha Geek on 4th of November 2010
C’mon. NYC. Capital of the world. You know you want to come to the Big Apple.
Ben L. on 3rd of November 2010
PLEASE COME TO HAMPTON ROADS!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE!!!!!!!!!! i have so many free-thinking friends that would die to see you perform!!!!!!!!
Aditya Rao on 3rd of November 2010
Edmonton, Alberta! (I know it’s not the USA, but hey – if you’re coming this far..)
Misha on 3rd of November 2010
PENNSYLVANIA!!! Either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia!
Della Street on 3rd of November 2010
Eventful sucks rocks
There are plenty of survey-type sites that are free to use that don’t require an e-mail address.
Now, I entered a fake one, mind, but with those types of things you never know whether or not you’re allowed or whether it’s going to send you e-mail which you will have to confirm.
If you want to know whether I want you in Oregon, fine. I’m happy to tell you.
If you want my zipcode, you can have that too. If you, Tim Minchin, want my e-mail, you can even have that.
But I’m not giving jack of my personal info to some company that wants to make money off of tracking and annoying me.
It’s also long past time that we who know better stop using “services” that operate counter to our values.
Of course, Tim may support the erosion of freedom and the dissolution of autonomy and privacy…but somehow, I suspect not.
Finally, WTF is with “Gender: Male/Female” ?
First, those are *sexes* not genders – so NO ONE is allowed to pick their gender with those options.
Secondly, how about “none” or “other” or “decline”?
and my age? I entered born in 1913, because I like the number 13, but hey, that’s crap anyway.
Where would I want to go to a show (not where do I live, maybe I have a LTR and want to go to see Tim only where my partner lives, or at the midpoint between our houses or some other weird thing)?
Do I actually believe I could earn, beg, borrow or steal the money for a ticket?
That’s all you need.
Philip Moseman on 3rd of November 2010
We heard a voice saying, if you build it he will come.
So we built the QWEST convention center.
He still didn’t come. Think perhaps, Tim needed to find his way on foot, we built the first ever pedestrian bridge to connect two states. The Bob Kerry Pedestrian Bridge.
Now, I am an art school graduate and theatrical employee. If Tim Minchin came to Omaha it would mean employment for me. I support Tim Minchin for his comedy and technical abilities.
Our city just spent millions building a giant bridge, across the river, to Council Bluffs Iowa. A city named so, for being the placed we stopped to talk about where we were going to build Omaha. So, you really could walk here, from there, if you wanted.
Then with our last $5, we built a baseball stadium next to the QWEST. That might have been a bad mnove, but it Tim Minchin did come, I am sure he could watch a baseball game.
Who doesn’t like baseball?
I admit the televised stuff is a bit boring, but this is the actual game itself, we have a stadium right here, it is fun. We even have Arean Football!
I digress.
Tim Minchin woud sound awesome at the QWEST. It will undoubtedly be the best concert, and it is a great place to stay and maybe have a sandwich.
Dezi on 3rd of November 2010
Please come to Pittsburgh and for he love of god, [/irony], don’t change a motherf*cking thing.
Jean Hess on 3rd of November 2010
South Central PA please!
TheMadamShabbs on 3rd of November 2010
Ah well since i’ve been spreading your talents all over Pennsylvania, i say play Philadelphia or Harrisburg. But i’ll probably drive anywhere you’re playing anyway. Brilliant stuff.
Stephen Muth on 3rd of November 2010
Colorado Springs. Home of James Dobson’s “Focus on the Family”, and spawning ground of Ted Haggard’s “New Life Church”, Colorado Springs can provide the enterprising entertainer with a challenge. Just ask Penn & Teller (and Richard Dawkins though he’s not strictly *just* an entertainer).
Another plus is that it has been an awfully long time since the charming townsfolk has lynched an atheist multi-instrumentalist. In public.
Occam's Meataxe on 3rd of November 2010
Tim would feel right at home in Portland, Oregon. It’s full of gawdless heathens with wild hair and eyeliner just like Mr. Minchin. And it has enough caffeine to focus even the most ADHD genius.
McLir on 3rd of November 2010
Ann Arbor is in Michigan, 20 minutes west of Detroit Metro Airport.
McLir on 3rd of November 2010
Ann Arbor! And he can stay at my place! I’ll cook a stir fry!
Joe Foti on 3rd of November 2010
Billy Joe Jim Bob Johnson Jr. Esquire on 3rd of November 2010
Louisville, KY – we have a large group of freethinkers that are badly in need of some Tim Minchin :D
swampthing on 3rd of November 2010
Portland OR is the place for Mr. Minchin. Everyone here dresses just like him and wears eyeliner. Just give us a moment, and we’ll speed up our “Whoa… dude!” style of speech for him. We have open flames crowning the theatre he should perform in, and afterward he can hold court with a pool cue and a descent glass of beer, while belly dancers and winsome slips of boys holding his hookah… I mean that in any way he likes.
Braydon Todd on 3rd of November 2010
Umm… Toronto? Not technically in the U.S. but maybe close enough? It’d be pretty convenient.
Bindizel on 3rd of November 2010
Southern California, Please Please Please !!!! I’ll give you my wife.
Tyler zimmerman on 3rd of November 2010
Eathan Sveinson on 3rd of November 2010
Go to Minneapolis so all us Canadians can come down too!! Or come to Canada in general!
Gwen on 3rd of November 2010
Please come to the liberal, secular San Francisco Bay Area, where you can find thousands of fans, and make thousands more!
Todd Ferguson on 3rd of November 2010
Please come to Phoenix, AZ.
mg on 3rd of November 2010
St. Louis, MO or Chicago, IL please
Natalie on 3rd of November 2010
Marije on 3rd of November 2010
Wow, I feel a bit lonely as the only person demanding Tim to come to Amsterdam… Guess I should try to do something about that. Good luck on the US tour!
Chris on 3rd of November 2010
New York City! Knitting Factory in Brooklyn, or maybe the Blender Theatre is more your style. Either way come out, you’ll have a blast
Matt Dillahunty on 3rd of November 2010
Austin, TX – and then we can have you on The Atheist Experience TV show!
Jeremy Babcock on 2nd of November 2010
Tim, you HAVE to come to Minneapolis!
Honestly, I’d have to be we would be the most receptive crowd in the Midwest. MINNEAPOLIS <3 Tim Minchin!
Ted Zissou on 2nd of November 2010
Minneapolis, FTL (for the Lutefisk).
Bill Rockenbeck on 2nd of November 2010
bcb on 2nd of November 2010
we’d love to see you in houston, but we’d travel to austin, san antonio or dallas as well
Debbie P on 2nd of November 2010
Philadelphia or New York, pretty please!
Maggs on 2nd of November 2010
San Franciscoooooooooo!
Aaron on 2nd of November 2010
OK, between your stops in Las Vegas and Portland/Seattle, make a mid-week stop in Salt Lake City. It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s a way to add another venue to the tour without extending the length.
Snowfy on 2nd of November 2010
I’ll have to agree with the Orlando, FL peeps!!
And heres a bunny to bribe you more
BD on 2nd of November 2010
Orlando, FL
Jacksonville, FL
Please Tim, love your work!
Samantha on 2nd of November 2010
Portland, Oregon. Please? Please!
And thank you. :)
Roxane on 2nd of November 2010
No Benjy. You Share! :)
John M. on 2nd of November 2010
Washington, DC or somewhere in the metro area.
Steve Ziolkowski on 2nd of November 2010
Los Angeles! We’ve got theme parks galore out here too!
L.E on 2nd of November 2010
Washington, DC, or Baltimore, MD.
kathi Rick on 2nd of November 2010
Blak Thundar on 2nd of November 2010
Cincinnati, OH or Louisville, KY would be awesome!
Kirk A on 2nd of November 2010
Louisville, KY. Definitely hoards of Louisvillians dieing to see you. Also, according to the infallible wikipedia, Louisville’s centrallized midwest location is “within one day’s road travel to 60% of the cities in the continental U.S.”!
Rae on 2nd of November 2010
Another voice for Portland, Oregon!
Jamie Swedberg on 2nd of November 2010
I want to add my name to the list of people BEGGING you to come to Atlanta! Or Athens, Ga., if you are so inclined. I would go to either one.
Ryan Flannery on 2nd of November 2010
Cincinnati, Ohio!!!
Or one of the following, which are in driving distance:
Columbus, Ohio. Indianapolis, Indiana. Lexington, Kentucky. Louisville, Kentucky.
Preferably Louisville, as that town would absolutely love you.
Jerry D. Harris on 2nd of November 2010
Tim would never go over in my hometown or state (St. George, Utah), but a Las Vegas gig would be fanTAStic — there’s a zillion potential venues there!
John D on 2nd of November 2010
Detroit… home of Motown… and me!
Bruce Murphy on 2nd of November 2010
No, no, no! You’re all wrong!
Tim Minchin needs to come to Canada and perform at Casino Rama in Orillia, Ontario!
David on 2nd of November 2010
You HAVE to make a stop in Austin, Texas. It’s live, it’s open minded, and most of all, it’s weird.
dvp on 2nd of November 2010
New York City!
Zachary on 2nd of November 2010
Boston — the Wilbur Theatre would be a great venue.
CanadianChick on 2nd of November 2010
Vancouver BC
Seattle WA
Portland OR
Katie on 2nd of November 2010
I agree with Mary. Come to Akron, OH. We’ve got blimps.
(Columbus or Cleveland would also be acceptable blimps aren’t suitable bribes.)
Eneasz on 2nd of November 2010
Denver! There’s a very large progressive/atheist presence here, plus you’ll get all the liberals and college kids from Boulder as well! :)
Petter Häggholm on 2nd of November 2010
Vancouver, BC. It’s not in the US, but like virtually all Canadian cities it’s practically on the border.
Adam on 2nd of November 2010
Charlotte, NC Help us push the bible belt further south…I wonder what we’ll expose then!
natural cynic on 2nd of November 2010
The obvious place is Las Vegas.
Then everyone will have a reason to party.
And you can mock the faith that built Sin City: “I’m the lucky one who can hit on 16.”
Sara on 2nd of November 2010
Tim, you wouldn’t tour the US without popping up to Canada for a few shows too, would you?
Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal, anywhere in that area would be fine with me. :D
Pretty please?
Lindsay on 2nd of November 2010
Fargo, Grand Forks, or Minneapolis please! On a weekend if possible so us Manitobans can make the trip down for the concert :)
kirk on 2nd of November 2010
Orange Country California or Riverside County California.
Tom Zych on 2nd of November 2010
I live in Gainesville FL, and I’d love to see him perform live, but I honestly have to wonder how well he’d do in the South. Lots of theists here. Not so many freethinkers. Wouldn’t want him to lose money. If he comes to the South at all, I’d say large cities only, which lets out Gainesville.
Jeremy on 2nd of November 2010
Washington, DC! But not just anywhere in DC. We know you could probably sell out the Warner if you wanted, but how about you give a shout to the area’s biggest campus secular group and play at American University?
Eric Mattingly on 2nd of November 2010
I second Louisville Kentucky. And, since my girlfriend lives in Atlanta, I’ll third or fourth there as well.
Dan L. on 2nd of November 2010
Boston/Cambridge. We need you the least, but we’ll appreciate you the most.
Jon on 2nd of November 2010
Come to Tokyo–nerd and otaku capital of the world! Crack open a new market! There are lots of us who will come see you.
Jay on 2nd of November 2010
Strum, Wisconsin.
I think we may actually be able to locate a piano for you.
Tina Marie on 2nd of November 2010
Houston, TX please. We need a dose of sanity here!
Brock on 2nd of November 2010
Cleveland, OH! The rock & roll capital.
Bracken on 2nd of November 2010
Boston/Cambridge, MA. Please please please please!
Brian on 2nd of November 2010
If you don’t come to Portland, Oregon, I swear I will destroy the universe.
Ben on 2nd of November 2010
I live in New York. If theres one place you play, this is it. I know it. See you soon, Tim.
marguerite solari on 2nd of November 2010
BOSTON !! Tim, you’re smart so you already know this, but Boston is chock full, overcrowded in fact with college students and they will and do LOVE YOU !
Rachael on 2nd of November 2010
Charlotte, North Carolina would be nice, but I will travel!! Just come please! I must behold your awesomeness in person!
Eva on 2nd of November 2010
Seattle, WA! We love you here!
Josh M. on 2nd of November 2010
St. Louis, MO!!!!!!!
Brandon D. on 2nd of November 2010
Portland, Oregon loves you.
Laurie Fournier on 2nd of November 2010
Minneapolis! I’ll buy you a beer or two.
Heather on 2nd of November 2010
Salt Lake City, UT pretty pretty please. Really you should have the balls to perform in a mormon state, if not, my respect for you will plummet. That said though, i’d be willing (though not necessarily able) to visit Colorado, Idaho, Arizona, Nevada, and Wyoming. But pissing off the mormons would be the most fun, don’t yah think?
judi on 2nd of November 2010
Halfway between Chicago and Minneapolis is this college town called Eau Claire. Back in the eighties, we used to be pretty well know as a convenient stop between the mega-urbanas, a place that an artist could stop during the week to play a gig between the two big cities.
I’d be happy to connect you with possible venues (UW-Eau Claire being the most logical choice) and I even have a guest room–and enough room for the family if you’re bringing them along!!
Robin Rinzler on 2nd of November 2010
Please come to San Luis Obispo, California .. and if you come to Los Angeles or San Francisco .. I’ll come to see you there!!!
Lianne on 2nd of November 2010
As I I went all the way across the pond to see you in Reading last year, I think it is only fair that you should come to Seattle this time. I don’t like to have to bring it up but you did in fact, say you were going to come to Seattle.
CSDB on 2nd of November 2010
Anywhere in the US and I’ll make it. I flew to Toronto last summer to see you and am planning to use the rest of my frequent flyer miles to get to Scotland for your concerts there in April. You’re my impetus to travel. ;)
Persephone 66 on 2nd of November 2010
Please come to Tampa, FL.
Mike on 2nd of November 2010
Just north of SF. My apartment is small, but I think it would make an excellent venue for up to 15 people. I have a balcony, and a nice view of the SF bay. My neighbor can probably set us up with some BBQ. I can handle ticket sales, and screen out all the damn hippies in the area. PM for details.
Tonya S. on 2nd of November 2010
Dallas, Texas!!!!!
Curt C. on 2nd of November 2010
Seattle! We love you here, Tim.
J&J Wa on 2nd of November 2010
Come to Fort Wayne, Indiana or somewhere close. Next July (7/9/11) my fiance are going to be using “You Grew On Me” in our wedding. We would have used “If I Didn’t Have You” or “If You Really Loved Me” but it is a catholic style wedding (the wedding is catholic, not so much us). The chance to see you in the U.S. would make our year. If you don’t make it around here we will still manage to come see you perform. We are broke so it would be nice if you were within a couple hundred kilometers. After seeing that you might be coming to the U.S. I haven’t been able to talk about much else.
Becky on 2nd of November 2010
Since no one ever comes to Detroit, I’ll say Chicago. It’s only a 5 1/2 hour drive. I’d gladly go that far to see Tim.
Babak on 2nd of November 2010
Where ever you go in the U.S., PLEASE come up to Toronto again. Your bit was so short last time. Too short :p
Cori Potter on 2nd of November 2010
The Adirondack Park – it’s one of the best places on earth!
Lisa Walker on 2nd of November 2010
Please come to Infinity Hall in Norfolk, CT. Smallish venue, but fab eats in the Bistro, wonderful acoustics, and stunningly renovated old hall. You’ll have a good time, I’ll have a good time… ok, even if you don’t have a good time, I’ll have a good time. Reason enough?
becki rutchland on 2nd of November 2010
(as well as some intelligent entertainment !)
Mary on 2nd of November 2010
Akron – EJ Thomas Hall -They’ve got a blimp. Not at the venue, but Akron is where the Goodyear blimp lives.
Jamie L. on 2nd of November 2010
I know it’s unlikely, because no one cool ever comes here, but I’m going to throw it out anyways; come to Anchorage, Alaska please! Although I would also be willing to fly down to Seattle or San Fransisco, because Tim Minchin is just that great.
Susi Bocks on 2nd of November 2010
Please come to Kansas!!! We live in McPherson, smack dab in the middle of the state, but if you came to Wichita or Kansas City, MO, we’d be thrilled!!!!! My son and I LOVE YOU!!!!
Mark Hurley on 2nd of November 2010
LAS VEGAS! Please! We are in sore need of a shot of real intelligence in this town.
Barbara French on 2nd of November 2010
Louisville, oh please! We need you here! I would drive all day to see you, too. But so many folks in Louisville would be thrilled if you came here.
Ella Densmore on 2nd of November 2010
Come to Kalamazoo, Michigan Tim!
Jessicrow on 2nd of November 2010
Seattle! We would eat you up and down you with a gulp of coffee. :)
Dana Pelata on 2nd of November 2010
Houston, TX
judy lupchansky on 2nd of November 2010
Come back to Toronto! I didn’t discover you until just after you performed here this past July. I will bake maple syrup butter tarts for you.
Miguel Picanco on 2nd of November 2010
Midwest: Omaha, NE or Kansas City, MO … for me and my local friends =c) – Denver, CO (duh)
South (careful…): Little Rock, AR (for childhood friends) – Austin, TX (extra hip) – Atlanta, GA
New England: Boston, MA (for my family) – Amherst, NY (CFI and other skeptics/humanists)
Matthew & Carol Brannigan on 2nd of November 2010
Come to San Diego Tim!
Paula Valentine on 2nd of November 2010
If you are thinking about the US would you consider Candad too – specifically Toronto – please please please
Gretchen on 2nd of November 2010
Washington DC!
Crow on 2nd of November 2010
I can see how to change where I requested, but how do I put in multiple cities. I don’t want to replace Houston, but at least 3 of us would gladly trek to Dallas, Austin or San Antonio as well.
Tish on 2nd of November 2010
We’d go just about anywhere in the US to see Tim, but Atlanta would be awesome since it’s not too far away.
Scott on 1st of November 2010
Columbus, OH
Leilani on 1st of November 2010
Indianapolis, Indiana. (Verizon Center in Noblesville, IN)
Or even Cincinnati, Ohio…
Tori Hughes on 1st of November 2010
Come down to Florida! Tampa has some great venues!
Libby on 1st of November 2010
Anywhere in Illinois or Missouri (preferably the St Louis area)
D. Richie on 1st of November 2010
Charlotte, North Carolina! Guaranteed to piss of all the Bible belt folk. Wouldn’t miss that.
Vincent Lacoursière on 1st of November 2010
Montreal …. that is not technically in the USA, but I wouldn’t mind to be part of the USA for a day if it means that you’ll do a show in Montreal!!
Jason on 1st of November 2010
Just get within a day’s drive of Omaha, and I’ll be there. KC, Minn, even Denver. Those of us in fly-over country are so deprived! We need you.
Justin Chase on 1st of November 2010
Minneapolis, (near the) home of pz meyers!
Ava on 1st of November 2010
I requested NOLA, but I’d drive to Austin or Atlanta. Yes, that devoted.
Shugahhhh on 1st of November 2010
Milwaukee puh-leeeeeease!! We’re desperate for entertainment, you’ll draw throngs!
S M on 1st of November 2010
Washington DC
Nels on 1st of November 2010
Salt Lake!!!! It will be a CULT-ural experience, don’t miss it…
Jenny on 1st of November 2010
Anywhere on the east coast!
Sarah Norris on 1st of November 2010
jeff on 1st of November 2010
Austin, TX
catherine on 1st of November 2010
New York…I need a giggle.
Amy L on 1st of November 2010
Shelly Sands on 1st of November 2010
And the answer is ……… Raleigh, NC!!!
Or the Triangle of Raleigh, Durham Chapel Hill in North Carolina, to be specific.
Richard Dawkins was here just the other day. He loves it here!
We’ve got one of the largest atheist groups in the world and we can deliver them. We are 771 people today and we talk about your stuff all the time.
The Triangle of Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill is also a gigantic college, high tech and live music location.
If you have only one venue in the south on the east coast of the US, make it us!!!
Peter Sosna on 1st of November 2010
Kaleena harrington on 1st of November 2010
Jamie on 1st of November 2010
Portland, Oregon!!!
Justin on 1st of November 2010
Come to Texas!, I don’t care where but you have fans here. Austin would love you.
Dori Dow on 1st of November 2010
Boston Ma; New York NY; Manchester NH; Portland ME!!! We went to Montreal to see you July 2010, fantastic, but much to short. Please come to the U.S., you have many fans here as well!
samantha joanna bailey on 1st of November 2010
Tim sorry im posting my requests on here i just didnt know were else to request, my friends birthday is coming up in december and we would love for you to come to sheffield to do a gig we would even show you the best pub to drink at and give you a tour round sheffield , south yorkshire england and would even make sure you had an accomodation and food whilst you was doing your gig in sheffield
Ann Marie on 1st of November 2010
Beacon Theater? Yankee Stadium? Jersey Shore? Come on it’ll be fun!
Kenze Kaos on 1st of November 2010
St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida! Or anywhere in Florida really, I would love to be able to attend a live show ^.\\
Susan on 1st of November 2010
It’s registering me as Akron, OH, but in reality I’d be happy with Cleveland/Pittsburgh/Columbus–somewhere that’d be within driving distance.
Jeffrey Eldred on 1st of November 2010
Virginia tidewater area plz.
Mark H on 1st of November 2010
Detroit, Cleveland, or Pittsboyg [sic] PLEASE!
Joanne Tanner on 1st of November 2010
BOSTON!!!!!!! or anywhere southeast New England… i will travel to RI, NH, even CT! but I live on the cape. so the Melody Tent next summer would totally make my life!!!!
Pamela Gillilan on 1st of November 2010
Portland OR!!!
Zoe on 1st of November 2010
The widget changed my request from Glenside, PA to “metro Phila.”. The reason I put Glenside is the Keswick Theater is there and would be a great venue (and easier to get to).
Mike on 1st of November 2010
Philadelphia! The tickets will be sold out simply due to all of the college students here.
Joy L on 1st of November 2010
Come back to New York City!
Dawn H. on 1st of November 2010
Definitely visit Pittsburgh Pa. Definitely.
Noël on 1st of November 2010
Los Angeles is a wonderful place!
Dani on 1st of November 2010
Come to Austin, Tim! I know that Texas is, in general, completely retarded. But Austin is cool. I moved here on purpose, having previously lived in 4 other states and Canada, which is the big giant state up north where nobody lives. Austin is really a super place to live, and I think you’d like it. I’ll get you free roller derby tickets if you come during roller derby season.
Robert on 1st of November 2010
I’d love to see you in Fargo, ND, but we are sort of small so Minneapolis, MN would be awesome too
Kyle on 1st of November 2010
Chicago I will bring all my friends
J.Well on 1st of November 2010
Anywhere in California! Well anywhere on the west coast and I’ll make the drive.
Amanda on 1st of November 2010
I’d drive to Seattle, WA or Portland, OR. Please come somewhere that I could attend. Please?
Simon on 1st of November 2010
Washington, DC
Jonathan on 1st of November 2010
Anywhere in Florida. I’ll drive to see you
Davey De Boy on 1st of November 2010
New York City
Melody on 1st of November 2010
Washington, DC!
Ro on 1st of November 2010
Come to DC…pretty please x
Kevin Mc on 1st of November 2010
We’ll buy you pizza.
river on 1st of November 2010
charlotte, north carolina! pleasepleaseplease!
Frankilynn on 1st of November 2010
Chicago please! I would be there in a heartbeat!
Neal T. on 1st of November 2010
New York, NY
khai on 1st of November 2010
Chicago !!!!!!!!!!!
Sylvain Gaudreau on 1st of November 2010
Come back to Montreal for a full length show (not the 30 minutes at just for laughs)
Marie Kelly on 1st of November 2010
Ireland! Any city, we’ll get there!
Michael M. on 1st of November 2010
Philly or NYC
Mike Glidden on 1st of November 2010
Portland, OR… I can guarantee about 30 or 40 people from my crew.
Kayla on 1st of November 2010
Baltimore, MD
Andrew C on 1st of November 2010
I’m in Idaho – odds of you coming here are slim. Make it to an adjacent state, and I may be able to manage the drive!
Abbe on 1st of November 2010
Albany and/or Troy, NY!!!!!
Heather on 1st of November 2010
Alabama! Montgomery would be great, but really anywhere in this state!
Allison Turner on 1st of November 2010
New York or Boston! (or Burlington or somewhere in NH or Maine or….) All of us in New England are in desperate need of a Tim Minchin show!
Terry Munger on 1st of November 2010
The Wharton Center on the campus of Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan. And if you could do that before May of 2011, that would be excellent!
Sharon Handy on 1st of November 2010
St. Petersburg/Tampa, Florida! We will not take you to Disneyworld, but are quite willing to take you out for the beverage of your choice–no judgment.
Jeremy H on 1st of November 2010
Maria Walters on 1st of November 2010
Atlanta!! Yes!
Gil on 1st of November 2010
Tim Sinclair on 1st of November 2010
Honolulu, Hawaii. No, really.
Eve on 1st of November 2010
Chicago, please!
Sarah W on 1st of November 2010
Cyndi S. Crawford on 1st of November 2010
Also, I think New Orleans would be a great place for you to go, Tim–I have friends there who eat your stuff up… one of whom introduced me (in Atlanta) to you. :D
Cyndi S. Crawford on 1st of November 2010
I think you should come to Atlanta (or, failing that, Peachtree City) and bring your awesome comedic and musical talent to the masses here. :D
Sonya D. on 1st of November 2010
Denver! Ogden or Gothic Theater!
Maria Myrback on 1st of November 2010
PLEASE come to Orlando, Florida!! PLEASEPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!! We’ll even take you to Disneyworld!!
Benjy Wilson on 1st of November 2010