My upcoming shows in Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne & Brisbane are being postponed
by Tim 14th Mar 2020 | 3 comments
TweetMy upcoming shows in Sydney, Newcastle, Melbourne & Brisbane are being postponed. We’ve no real choice, I’m afraid.
I’m gutted for my audiences who have saved & travelled. And for my band & crew who lose work. And for the venues & promoter. And for myself, cos I HATE not delivering.
We are hustling to reschedule. The ticket agency will be emailing on Monday to confirm the postponement, & though I don’t know if we’ll have new dates by then, please know we are trying our hardest!
Lots of love. Don’t panic, wash ya hands,
And don’t take ya sniffle to your Gran’s.
Mary Anne Maling on 21st of March 2020
Hey Tim. First up, I only “discovered” you when I bought a house near The Butterfly Club in 2011. F-ck, what great stuff I missed up close.
Second, I’m in awe of your musical, comedic and showmanship talent, your intellect, humility, honesty and ability to communicate directly without being an ego-driven dick.
And finally, because I’m a Twitter moron (@msmam), I just wanted to say thanks for being sensible about this sheep-like, misinformative, idiot behaviour.
I’m also an atheist, fan of Brian Cox et al, but hey, if believing in an invisible, infallible being gave comfort to my darling mother who died 8 weeks ago in the arms of her 5 children, why would I have ever given her grief?
Yeah, it’s a bad virus and science and medicine are my passions, but in a year or so, we’ll probably be looking back at this and wondering how we could have been so stupid as to be stock piling loo paper. WTF?
So, thanks for the entertainment and common sense; I’ve already donated to the cancelled MICF and I hope you and the family can get home, if you’re not already. Stay well and if you never read this, you lazy bugger, I’ll feel better having sent it.
Major admirer, Mary Anne ???
mark holland on 17th of March 2020
hi tim, just wondering if you could do a cover of Jacinta ardern singing karma chameleon. love your music by the way, keep it up.
Emily Bolitho on 17th of March 2020
Thanks, Tim. I like the word postponed rather than cancelled….This means we get to keep looking forward to seeing you at Hamer Hall sometime! Don’t stress about a rescheduled date… this has to run its course. Best wishes to you and your people. Emily