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Guestbook / Comments

Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.

Oh, and please don’t post links or email addresses, or the spambot filter robot will take offence and refuse to publish.

Maria J on Thursday, 30 April 2020

Hi, Tim! Recently discovered you after JCS and I absolutely love your Judas. I have been listening to your music and reading some articles about you for the past weeks. I love how brilliant and witty you are, your stage presence, and your great playing of the piano. I am more inspired to pursue music and theatre all thanks to you (maybe when I listened to rock n roll nerd lol). For some 17 years of my life, half of it I have always wanted to become a musician, composer, singer, be in theatre, be my dream roles, yet I have not done anything to develop at most times. I felt insecure. I felt that I cannot be. Now I feel that I can and I start doing things calmly. You rock, Tim. Thank you. If, in some years ahead, I will be who I want to be then I will go back to this post and tell everyone that I made it (might seem ridiculous and I think it's long-term dream but I will try not to think of rushing). Stay safe xx

Sydnie Sanderson on Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Hi Tim, I have followed your work for nearly a decade and I love everything you do, I recently saw you in Liverpool and it was absolutely astonishing especially I'll take lonely tonight and the classic Prejudice, I have decided to do my assignment for my songwriting degree on Matilda the musical which was brilliant by the way and I was just wondering who have been your musical influences throughout your life? Please come back to the UK soon. And I hope you and your family are doing well during these uncertain times. <3

Candice Outlaw on Monday, 27 April 2020

Hi Tim, just wanted to send much love and support and praise your way! You're such an amazing being, never in my life have I seen such talent, true talent! I started watching your two specials on Netflix and now it has become an everyday ritual to watch and rock out, also been enjoying your performance on Californication its totally awesome. Cannot wait to watch the full show of JCSS and check out Upright. Thank you for all you do, you're amazing! Hope you are able to come to the states soon. Stay safe!

Ellen Murphy on Sunday, 26 April 2020

I became a big fan after watching your "9 Life Lessons" UWA commencement address. As an educator and parent of 21-year old twins I thought it was spot on. Now I am playing catch up by watching your other videos online. I am also trying to find a way to use your book "When I Grow Up" in my video lessons to my elementary students (I teach ESL). Love your take on politicians and hypocrites, keep pushing them off their pedestals.

Simon Hopkins on Saturday, 25 April 2020

Hi Just HAD to write in having just completed the awesome Upright (fortunately available on NOW TV in the UK). Obviously you may tell I loved the series - frankly it was totally outstanding in every aspect, story, cast, production. I mean, its only flaw was it ended! Thanks for bringing that show out and I genuinely hope I'll be able to purchase a DVD of it fairly soon as I would love to show it to my father. He doesn't have access to the platforms! Take care - stay safe Love Simon

Bonita Kay Summers on Saturday, 25 April 2020

Hi Tim, After catching your performance in JCSS, I was so captivated by your intense performance and exquisite vocal range, I had to look you up to see what else you had done. I found two of your shows on Netflix and was blown away by your wit, mad piano skills, and theatricality. I watched Californication next, and am eagerly awaiting the chance to see you in Upright. You are a consummate performer with incredible heart, and I hope someday when the madness of our current situation has ended, that you will find your way to Canada. Please come here. We will treat you well, good sir!

Sarah Henderson on Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Hello Tim. How have I gone all these years without knowing your talent until the superb JCS I watched last weekend? I've since spent many enjoyable hours going down the YouTube rabbit hole of your performances and think you're brilliant! You have gained another fan. I wanted to let you know that thanks to you, I feel much better about my nine year old son. The first word my son learned to spell, read, and write, was the word fuck. I learned he could write it when I found fuck scratched messily into the front of a recently refinished small stand-alone cabinet. He's my wild child, rather feral, and uses the words fuck, motherfucker, and bitch in nearly every sentence. He also uses them correctly, by the way...well, other than calling his brother a bitch... but apparently with kids these days, bitch has become gender neutral. Which is a long way of saying that I'm no longer so worried that he may end up in prison one day. He may actually have a successful career doing something where he can express himself freely. He's actually a sweet kid underneath all the fucks. I'm serious when I say thank you for this realization. You've made me feel so much better about his prospects. With love, Sarah

Dammit Janet on Monday, 13 April 2020

Tim, what a show!! JCSS was mind blowing! Every single performer and crew were superb but you blew the rest of them out of the water! You played Judas so badass! Shame I have only just watched it now, got years of missed watching to make up for on lockdown ? Speaking of which, your lockdown song is legend! It's going to get a lot of people through this tough time! Love it! Keep safe and strong

Peet Badenhorst on Monday, 13 April 2020

Have enjoyd your work for years. Re-discovered you on youtube recently and binged a whole weekend. Absolutely fan-effing-tastic stuff! I am envious of your keyboard confidence and erudite lyrics. Your biggest fan in Southern Africa Peet from Cape Town.

Chuck Schmidt on Sunday, 12 April 2020

Wow, Wow, Wow. I saw Tim as a Judas in Jesus Christ Superstar and he was incredible. I’ve seen the production a number of different times but no one has played Judas with such expressiveness and power in his voice. Hands down, the best I’ve ever seen. Well done Tim. Forgive me for being unfamiliar with your work up to this point but from now on I’m a fan.

John A Rosenfeld on Sunday, 12 April 2020

Just watched Tim doing Judas on the filmed J C Superstar. I knew you had extraordinary abilities, but your performance was life-time memorable. Thanks for the experience.

shaun Wells on Sunday, 12 April 2020

Hi Jo Martin, consider yourself very lucky as you have Bill Bailey in the UK. Far more talented and witty than this Tim Minchin clown. Tim Minchin has always wanted to be Bill Baily but Bill has more talent in his pinky compared to Timmy. Stick with Bill and don't lose brain cells listening to this clown who suffers from Z'D grade celebrity status. Good to see on a number of blogs people have turned against Timmy and his negativity. Everyone apart from the anarchists (and Tricia who have clearly not or are not interested in facts re: Pell verdict) Timmy represents look forward to an apology song to both Pell and Morrison shortly. Although I doubt this dill has any talent to write something positive. Timmy you are irrelevant.

Fran on Saturday, 11 April 2020

You are utterly splendid! Just watched JCSS (and am concerned that Judas is more charismatic than JC!), also I'm a long term fan of 'Matilda', plus three cheers for your political comments/insights. Come to NZ soon!

Doug Anthony on Friday, 10 April 2020

This type of behaviour is not humour, a man who makes a living this way is a bully and not a defender of people, he prescribes to popularism and lacks any original thought. In times of hard decisions it’s easy to throw mud, your a lazy opportunist who has never had the weight of decisions. Learn to shut the f up.

NUN YOUR BIZ on Friday, 10 April 2020

Who are you dick head? Just another school drop out with long hair that slams what is otherwise a good job being done in an otherwise drastic and terrible environment. Mr Morrison booked a holiday as he has a young family and went to Hawaii. Scott woiuld have been unaware that the catastrophic circumstances of fire and destruction were about to unfold. I am a full time fireman who was fighting these battles and do you think for a minute I needed him to assist? I am glad he wasn't here because it shows that one single person runs this country but on the contrary we have a leader that listens. You might try to do the same thing and get a skill.

Mark Mitchell on Friday, 10 April 2020

Timmy - your a nob... comment on your own country and your own politicians... Aussies down need your shit or opinion. Your a second rate, not laughed at would be comedian....

Erich Drescher on Friday, 10 April 2020

Tim, you are a real loser. Is this the only way you can get people to watch you. I thought you were a comedian.

Jo Martin on Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Hi from the uk, just to let you know that you are keeping me sane in this lockdown, thanks for everything you do ?

Kate on Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Tim Minchin is a foul mouthed loony lefty socialist without two brain cells to rub together. Time to grow up Timmy.

Tricia on Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Love they new song. As soon as I heard the verdict I said, I hope Tim writes another song and a gofundme page to send the fucker back to Italy to the epicentre. You never let us down Tim ❤️

Shaun Wells on Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Hi Tim, did you happen to read the Pell Verdict? 7 to nil in favour of quashing the original verdict. If you read the verdict (page 2) in part it states that there was a high chance an innocent person was convicted. Here's a tip Tim so you don't look like a Dickhead in future, before you write a song that kills peoples hearing and brain cells maybe look at the facts first? Instead of joining a mob man up and make your own judgement.

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