Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.
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Antje Bayer on Monday, 26 October 2020
Bring Back My Ex for free Today. The Great Dr. Lee is considered as the best US - European psychics practitioner. He has been a specialist in psychics for many years. His Psychic service consists of the conjuration of Gemstone and Ruby Crystal Vaults and Dr. Lee has reached expertise and knowledge allowing him to control the Ruby Crystal and Gemstone conjuration with the powerful Psychic reading service he offers. Get in touch with The Great Dr. Lee Directly on [dr.carrollee[at]gmail[dot]com]. Whatsapp Number: 1512 537-7128 You are in safe hands. he is always ready to help you for free
Amy Brooks on Wednesday, 14 October 2020
Hi, so I imagine that this website is not directly run by Tim, as much as I’d love to believe he spends his days reading all these messages! Never the less, I just wondered if there is going to be any UK dates upcoming after COVID fucks off or our prime minister gives his head a wobble?! Also, I’d love to watch upright but I can’t seem to be able to stream anything other than the trailer here. Can you recommend a streaming service that is showing it? I hope someone (please be Tim ?) can help me out. Thanks a million!
Meghan Short on Monday, 12 October 2020
I'm home with my older and younger sisters, helping my parents sort through 40 years worth of treasured objects. The only good thing Covid-19 has brought to my life is the ability to pretend to work at my "normal" level of productivity from anywhere. So back to the childhood house we've all traipsed for a few weeks of bizarre and beautiful deja vu together. This week we tackled the holiday decorations. A lifetime of saved artwork from school days, an alarmingly vast array of Jack-o'-lanterns, tacky Christmas knick knacks - each one fun to discover and remember, and so bitter sweet to get rid of. We've had a great time together going through the boxes, listening to Christmas music way ahead of schedule and steadily drinking our way through the liquor cabinet. During one of our breaks, I shared your beautiful song "White Wine in the Sun" with the family. I always listened to this when spending Christmas alone on the other side of the country, but for some reason never thought to share it when we were all together for the holidays. Maybe I was too blissfully happy in those years to think of the bittersweet song in the moment. It was always later when I was missing home. But I knew none of us would be together this year, and thought they might enjoy the song. Tim, I am not exaggerating when I tell you that my 33 year old little sister broke down in tears and hugged me for 2 minutes straight at the end of the song. I could never have said it better or as beautifully as you did. I'm glad they finally got to experience your great art! And as a bonus, she is now totally addicted to your work and firmly falling down the rabbit hole on youtube. Thank you for all you do. The world is a better place for it. Meghan
Lori Ritchie on Friday, 9 October 2020
After waiting for over a year (or two? ) for it to get the U.S., I just watched UPRIGHT from start to finish in one sitting (Sundance). I am MOVED. So moved. Brilliant. I laughed. I cried. Australia is breathtaking! ?CAMELS? UPRIGHT will stick with me. And I will probably go back to the beginning and start over to catch whatever I am sure I missed. Your work is so profound it consistently touches me to the point of tears for the sheer depth and beauty of it. I hope others grasp the layer upon layer of meaning and depth you deliver. Your work in UPRIGHT is simply amazing. (And matched by your co-star) I haven't "known" you long. I have missed out on most of your work and am working to catch up with the rest of the world. I've never been someone who writes to stars or gushes out their adoration, but for over a year I've wanted to tell you that I'm So Fucking Rock saved my life - actually it saved my soul. I didn't know who you were. I saw this amazingly unique guy come out and blow me away with innovation, energy and incredible virtuosity. I was 63 years old and literally jumping around my living room -- probably on the 3rd or 4th go-round and after I stopped crying because the kind of gifts you have are so beautiful they make me cry and also because I felt as if I was watching a part of myself, a kindred spirit of sorts. I was starting to wear out and give up. That video re-sparked my soul. I literally chanted the chorus and sang to the video over and over to motivate myself. My depression lifted. I am grateful for the inspiration - and the brilliant invitations to think. Tony. Fucking Tony! One of my very favorite moments ever is when you're on the keyboard during CHEESE (another one that gets me jumping around my living room) and your mic drops. With all you were managing at that moment - you can't fake that kind of grace. It has to be part of who you are as a person. Thank you for your song about Cardinal Pell. I feel heard. I cry whenever I read the dedication. It is rare for sexual abuse to be acknowledged so simply, in such a heartfelt way. Typically the way we talk about it is rather removed from the raw reality. And for those moments when we are dehumanized yet again, I sing Fuck You MF!! And tonight, as I identified with Lucky's tormented past and totally fucked up family relationships and deep angst about things he wants and cant have and choices he wishes he could do differently -- I realized one of the reasons I am so touched by you is that I don't see many men in the world who have your both your strength and your tenderness. You showed a man in his manhood from many different perspectives and I sincerely appreciated it on all levels. You broke the stereotypic molds. Thank you for showing us Lucky's hidden feelings and perspectives. I'm sure you're not perfect and I don't care if you believe in God or not. I still see love and joy radiate from your being at a level that in theory we could all potentially reach but so rarely do. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Don't stop making us feel or making us think. You truly are one of the special souls on this planet. You have earned and deserve everything good thing you receive.