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Guestbook / Comments

Here’s a place you can leave random comments about stuff that you feel isn’t particularly related to the News. Maybe you just want to say hi. Maybe you want to critique a piece of my work. Maybe you want to ask me where I live and come and bring me cookies. Whatever. Stick it in the box down below.

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Marsha A on Tuesday, 19 May 2020

I just wanted to say thank you, for a couple of things. For holding the Roman Catholic Church accountable for their priests actions. Or trying to anyway. But you said it and you’re the first person I‘ve heard say it. And for pointing out the silliness of religion. I don’t think we need gods anymore. They were useful when we didn’t and couldn’t understand the universe. But now we do understand a lot about the universe and the world we live in. Not everything but I think we have evolved enough as a species to think for ourselves.

Nancy on Wednesday, 13 May 2020

I've seen a couple of your graduation speeches (I'm a high school teacher; we're always looking to prove those things can be entertaining), but I'm older and not much into current culture, so the odd foray into the videos of Minchin did fill me with awe at your talent, but I'm no longer the kind who falls under the spell of a someone new and scours the earth for their stuff. And then the lockdown and that production of _Jesus Christ Superstar_ was aired for free. I was about 10, and a bit of a burgeoning Christian, when the first album dropped and I know every note and word and have argued the theological points for hours and etc etc etc. I have seen a couple of versions, mostly with faint disappointment. Your portrayal of Judas towers over that (quite wonderful for the most part) production. And the theology of your acting and its jagged back and forth tenor! My girlfriends and I talked about nothing but you for over a week. My 82 year old mother too. There were admissions of crushes. We all shared youtube videos back and forth. It is a very rare thing to be so affected by a performance that I’m still thinking about it a month later. I’m so very glad that you got to do the role – nothing much these days provokes awe about humans and their various proclivities, but that performance was just so dense and disturbing and attractive and alluring. Thank you for being a genius. I'm very glad I got to see it.

Kristen on Monday, 11 May 2020

I just wanted to tell you how therapeutic your music has been for me and others that have left the Mormon church and are suffering from religious trauma. I'm so glad I found your music. You have the ability to take basic religious tenets and show how harmful they are in an intelligent and humorous way. It's very healing! I admire your ability to sing and say what you believe even though you will get criticized. Most people coming out of the Mormon church have enormous amounts of fear ingrained in them and cannot be honest with family and friends about not believing for fear of losing relationships and respect. I even have fear just writing this. I used to write a lot of choir music for the Mormon church and now I hope I can someday get up the courage to write music that exposes their crazy and harmful doctrine. There is just so much to work with.....polygamy, polyandry, blood atonement, a massacre, not going to heaven for drinking green tea or coffee, blind obedience, a prophet that supposed to speak to God but the only thing he's done for the pandemic is release a new church logo....the list goes on and on. Thanks again. I wish you and your family the best!

Jerry Tingle on Monday, 11 May 2020

Hi Tim and everyone - Tonight (Mon 11th May) SBS TV 6.00 AEST Mastermind features me! with an appropriate specialist subject - The Musical comedy of Tim (and check out my T-shirt - specially designed for the show (sorry not for sale - approved for personal use only).

David H on Saturday, 9 May 2020

Just binge watched all the episodes of Upright and have only one complaint. There weren't enough of them - I didn't want it to end! I haven't enjoyed a series this much since the original Seachange. So thanks heaps for making it, you are a legend. And how good is Milly Alcock! She is an absolute star and is a big part of why the show is so good. Hope to see a lot more of her in the future. Look out Margot Robbie!

greg cook on Monday, 4 May 2020

sir, that song is beautiful.

Anita Roseblade on Friday, 1 May 2020

Hey Tim I’m a big fan of all your work. Watched your duo with Missy last week and I was spellbound with your piano work. Missy was fabulous as always too. The way you connect with the piano is truely amazing! The piano becomes an extension of yourself - connected in an awesome magical way. You are one gifted dude. Thank you for sharing your talents. Anita ?

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